Monday, December 29, 2008

VCAT Forms - Instructions

Please note that you need to sign and submit 3 (three) VCAT forms - to the Applicant, to the Council and to the VCAT

If you wish to submit forms by yourself please make sure that you act in the following order:
  1. provide your name, address and phone number on the VCAT blank form ( copy of the blank form is available for download PDF or DOC)
  2. provide brief summary of grounds by selecting from the list of proposed grounds (available for download PDF or DOC)
    or by printing, attaching and signing that document.
  3. sign the form
  4. make three additional copies of the signed and completed form (if you do not have a copier, local Newsagency can make you copies)
  5. send the first copy to the Applicant
  6. send the second copy to the Ballarat City Council
  7. provide dates (see served a copy date inserts) on the third copy
  8. send the third copy to VCAT
  9. keep the original (signed and completed) copy for your own reference
If you wish to submit forms to the Lake Gardens Committee please make sure that you act in the following order:
  1. provide your name, address and phone number on the VCAT blank form ( copy of the blank form is available for download PDF or DOC)
  2. sign the form
  3. make three additional copies of the signed form (if you do not have a copier, local Newsagency can make you copies)
  4. NOTE* you can optionally provide brief summary of grounds by selecting from the list of proposed grounds (available for download PDF or DOC) or by printing, attaching and signing that document.
  5. Submit all three (signed) copies to 29 Faversham Avenue - Lake Gardens Committee
    on Friday 2nd Jan between 6PM and 7PM


It is suggested that you tick “I intend to appear and present a submission” option (see please tick appropriate box) so you or your group committee representative can appear at the hearing.

Please note that you can attach and sign the the list of proposed grounds (available for download PDF or DOC) if you believe that all proposed grounds are applicable to you.

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Meeting with Council Representatives




TIME: 7.00PM

Monday, December 15, 2008

Notification Letter

Notification letters were sent to Lake Garden's residents who sent their objections to the Council.
The residents will be informed on the date and time of the Council meeting.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

1st "Saturday Get Together" held on 22nd November, 2008

Several Lake Gardens residents met at the local Lake Gardens cafe on Saturday 22nd at 10.30 am discussing the latest developments against the proposed recycling plant. Ideas were shared about rezoning of the land around Lake Gardens into gardens/residential precinct. There were also discussions about the Ballarat-Skipton Rail Trail being extended to Lake Wendouree. This part of the track is right behind the Lake Gardens fence.
"...the surveying work has begun to extend it to Gillies St via Gregory St West. The track will also take in the new Wendouree Train Station, which is currently being built near the corner of Gillies and Howitt streets. Council's open space maintenance manager Cameron Duthie
said the link to Lake Wendouree would be almost 2km long." (Source: Ballarat Courier - last visited on Saturday 22 Nov, 2008)

This is one more reason for rezoning the industrial land between the Gregory St West and the railway tracks.
Proximity of Lake Gardens residencies, new train station, new golf course and proposed retirement village.

Friday, October 31, 2008

Thank You

A big thank you to "The Arches" local cafe shop for assistance and support during the collection of the "Recycling Plant" objection letters. Wishing Janette and John all the best in the future endeavors. We would also like to welcome new management.

Lake Gardens residents

Media Coverage

  1. Saturday 25 Oct, 2008 - Letters to Editor in the Ballarat Courier - by Bruce Velpid
  2. Wednesday 29 Oct, 2008 - Ballarat's WIN News - main story
  3. Friday 31 Oct, 2008 - An article in the Ballarat Courier

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Submitted Objections

- 28 October - 23 signed objections collected from the Arches. Handed into City of Ballarat (Phoenix Building) - total 23

- 28 October - 18 signed objections collected from the Arches. Handed into City of Ballarat (Phoenix Building) - total 41

- 29 October - 25 signed objections collected from the Arches. Handed into City of Ballarat (Phoenix Building) - total 66

- 30 October - 14 signed objections collected from the Arches. Handed into City of Ballarat (Phoenix Building) - total 80

- 31 October - 64 signed objections collected from the Arches. Handed into City of Ballarat (Phoenix Building) - total 144

- 03 November - 20 signed objections collected from the Arches. Handed into City of Ballarat (Phoenix Building) - total 164

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Related Documents

Completed Tasks

  1. Printed handouts for Lake Gardens, Golf Club, etc - completed on 23/10/08
  2. Distributed all handouts - completed on 26/10/08
  3. Visited Ballarat Golf Club and discussed proposed Recycling plant opposite new Ballarat Golf Club. Handed out objection documents and building plans - completed on 26/10/08
  4. Visited Ballarat Golf Club and discussed proposed Recycling plant with the Manager. BGC promised to look into it and take actions - completed on 28/10/08
  5. Contacted Integra (Roadcon) regarding their new housing development near the proposed recycling plant - completed on 28/10/08
  6. Conducted interview with Win TV. Reporters also spoke with couple of other Lake Gardens residents. - completed on 29/10/08
  7. Conducted phone interview with Ballarat Courier. Reporter asked about the number of objections. - completed on 29/10/08
  8. Contacted David Vendy via phone - completed on 29/10/08
  9. Conducted Door-knock for additional signatures - completed 31 Oct 2008

To Do

Follow up Council decision

Recycling Depo - Working Group

Dear Lake Gardens group,
I think it is time to join our tasks into one organised entity and start acting as a group rather then independent individuals. Please use this blog to communicate issues regarding our concerns about the proposed Recycling Depo